A1 - Beginner Level (English)
some daily activities
  1. wake up
  2. get up
  3. have a shower (bath)
  4. get dressed
  5. have breakfast
  6. go to work (school)
  7. start work (school)
  8. have a break
  9. have lunch
  10. finish work (school)
  11. go home
  12. have dinner
  13. go to bed
  14. go to sleep hope you like it :D
1. wake up 2. get up 3. have a shower (bath) 4. get dressed 5. have breakfast 6. go to work (school) 7. start work (school) 8. have a break 9. have lunch 10. finish work (school) 11. go home 12. have dinner 13. go to bed 14. go to sleep hope you like it :D
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