A1 - Beginner Level (English)


The word ‘too’ can mean excessively when it precedes an adverb or adjective, or it can be used as a synonym for the word ‘also’.

As a synonym for ‘also’:

Can he come too?
He went to Paris too
This book belongs to Sarah too
Try replacing the word ‘also’ with ‘too’ in the same sentence. If the reworded sentence still makes sense, then you are using the word correctly.

To mean excessively:

He is too tired to go to the store.
She spent way too much in Paris.
David is reading the book too fast.

Messsage: Too The word ‘too’ can mean excessively when it precedes an adverb or adjective, or it can be used as a synonym for the word ‘also’. As a synonym for ‘also’: Can he come too? He went to Paris too This book belongs to Sarah too Try replacing the word ‘also’ with ‘too’ in the same sentence. If the reworded sentence still makes sense, then you are using the word correctly. To mean excessively: He is too tired to go to the store. She spent way too much in Paris. David is reading the book too fast.

" Listen " and " Silent " are spelled with the same letters ...

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