A1 - Beginner Level (English)
TO DO -Present simple

TO Do-present simple
Positive (+)
I do
You do
He does
She does
It does
We do
You do
They do

Negative (-)
I do not (I don't)
You do no (You don't)
He does no (He doesn't)
She does not (She doesn't)
It does not (It doesn't)
We do not (We don't)
You do not (We doen't)
They do not (They don't)

TO Do-present simple Positive (+) I do You do He does She does It does We do You do They do Negative (-) I do not (I don't) You do no (You don't) He does no (He doesn't) She does not (She doesn't) It does not (It doesn't) We do not (We don't) You do not (We doen't) They do not (They don't)


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