A1 - Beginner Level (English)



Background information

Pentatonix began with three friends who grew up together and were schoolmates at Martin High School in Arlington, Texas: Kirstin "Kirstie" Maldonado (born May 16, 1992), Mitchell "Mitch" Grassi (born July 24, 1992), and Scott Hoying (born September 17, 1991).Hearing of a local radio show hosting a competition to meet the cast of Glee, they arranged a trio version of "Telephone" and sent it in. Although they did not end up winning the competition, it sparked attention around their school, where the group began performing. After their version of "Telephone" by Lady Gaga gained attention on YouTube, they continued performing.

message: Career Background information Pentatonix began with three friends who grew up together and were schoolmates at Martin High School in Arlington, Texas: Kirstin "Kirstie" Maldonado (born May 16, 1992), Mitchell "Mitch" Grassi (born July 24, 1992), and Scott Hoying (born September 17, 1991).Hearing of a local radio show hosting a competition to meet the cast of Glee, they arranged a trio version of "Telephone" and sent it in. Although they did not end up winning the competition, it sparked attention around their school, where the group began performing. After their version of "Telephone" by Lady Gaga gained attention on YouTube, they continued performing.

" Listen " and " Silent " are spelled with the same letters ...

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