A1 - Beginner Level (English)
Pse luani eshte mbreti i xhungles ?!

Why lion is considered or said to be as king of the jungle? The question may appear very frivolous and nonsensical as the human beings only 'crowned' the lion as king of the jungle and none of the animals may be even aware of such 'coronation' event. Interestingly, even the 'lion' itself may not know such title has been conferred to 'him'.

When was such coronation event had happened is not known. Why the tiger was not considered for the title of the 'king' despite tiger being the biggest among all the cats. What is so unique or special for 'lion'?

Perhaps, the great management principle and reason only would have made the early man to title the 'lion as king of jungle'. The point worth mention is about the astute management knowledge of early man and how relevant the same is even today. The modern corporate must learn and follow the above tenets.

What are the generally expected or accepted qualities of a king?

  1. King should be very majestic and distinguishable from the rest

  2. King should respect and protect his clan

  3. The entire clan should be willing to do 'sacrifice' for the king

  4. The palace where king lives should be very open and visible to others even from a distance

  5. King should be willing to abdicate his throne to a new king when he becomes old

Message: Why lion is considered or said to be as king of the jungle? The question may appear very frivolous and nonsensical as the human beings only 'crowned' the lion as king of the jungle and none of the animals may be even aware of such 'coronation' event. Interestingly, even the 'lion' itself may not know such title has been conferred to 'him'. When was such coronation event had happened is not known. Why the tiger was not considered for the title of the 'king' despite tiger being the biggest among all the cats. What is so unique or special for 'lion'? Perhaps, the great management principle and reason only would have made the early man to title the 'lion as king of jungle'. The point worth mention is about the astute management knowledge of early man and how relevant the same is even today. The modern corporate must learn and follow the above tenets. What are the generally expected or accepted qualities of a king? 1. King should be very majestic and distinguishable from the rest 2. King should respect and protect his clan 3. The entire clan should be willing to do 'sacrifice' for the king 4. The palace where king lives should be very open and visible to others even from a distance 5. King should be willing to abdicate his throne to a new king when he becomes old

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