A1 - Beginner Level (English)
Have/has got !!
  1. Affirmative sentences with have got and has got We use has got in the 3rd person singular (he,she, it), and we use have got with all other persons.

Long forms
I have got a brother- I've got a brother.
You have got a sister - You've got a sister.
He has got a budgie - He's got a budgie.
She has got a dog - She's got a dog.
It has got Bluetooth - It's got Bluetooth.
We have got CDs - We've got CDs.
You have got a nice room - You've got a nice room.
They have got pets - They've got pets.

  1. Negative sentences with have got and has got Long forms
    I have not got a brother - I haven't got a brother - I've not got a brother. You have not got a sister - You haven't got a sister - You've not got a sister. He has not got a budgie- He hasn't got a budgie - He's not got a budgie. She has not got a dog - She hasn't got a dog - She's not got a dog. It has not got Bluetooth - It hasn't got Bluetooth - It's not got Bluetooth. We have not got CDs - We haven't got CDs - We've not got CDs. You have not got a nice room - You haven't got a nice room- You've not got a nice room. They have not got pets - They haven't got pets - They've not got pets.

correct → She hasn't got a ruler.
incorrect → She hasen't got a ruler.

  1. Questions with have got and has got Question-Short answer Have I got time? Yes, I have. No, I haven't. Have you got lots of friends? Yes, I have. No, I haven't. Has he got a mobile phone? Yes, he has. No, he hasn't. Has she got a pink car? Yes, she has. No, she hasn't. Has it got mudguards? Yes, it has. No, it hasn't. Have we got milk? Yes, we have. No, we haven't. Have you got a brown bag? Yes, we have. No, we haven't. Have they got nice books? Yes, they have. No, they haven't.

► Do not use got in a short answer.

Have they got lots of friends?

correct → Yes, they have.
incorrect → Yes, they have got.

1. Affirmative sentences with have got and has got We use has got in the 3rd person singular (he,she, it), and we use have got with all other persons. Long forms I have got a brother- I've got a brother. You have got a sister - You've got a sister. He has got a budgie - He's got a budgie. She has got a dog - She's got a dog. It has got Bluetooth - It's got Bluetooth. We have got CDs - We've got CDs. You have got a nice room - You've got a nice room. They have got pets - They've got pets. 2. Negative sentences with have got and has got Long forms I have not got a brother - I haven't got a brother - I've not got a brother. You have not got a sister - You haven't got a sister - You've not got a sister. He has not got a budgie- He hasn't got a budgie - He's not got a budgie. She has not got a dog - She hasn't got a dog - She's not got a dog. It has not got Bluetooth - It hasn't got Bluetooth - It's not got Bluetooth. We have not got CDs - We haven't got CDs - We've not got CDs. You have not got a nice room - You haven't got a nice room- You've not got a nice room. They have not got pets - They haven't got pets - They've not got pets. correct → She hasn't got a ruler. incorrect → She hasen't got a ruler. 3. Questions with have got and has got Question-Short answer Have I got time? Yes, I have. No, I haven't. Have you got lots of friends? Yes, I have. No, I haven't. Has he got a mobile phone? Yes, he has. No, he hasn't. Has she got a pink car? Yes, she has. No, she hasn't. Has it got mudguards? Yes, it has. No, it hasn't. Have we got milk? Yes, we have. No, we haven't. Have you got a brown bag? Yes, we have. No, we haven't. Have they got nice books? Yes, they have. No, they haven't. ► Do not use got in a short answer. Have they got lots of friends? correct → Yes, they have. incorrect → Yes, they have got.

" Listen " and " Silent " are spelled with the same letters ...

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