Ilove so much my proffesor ardian deari.
You are the beast proffesor.
That i saw i my live
Ido not know how to pronounce
Since you are one of the best proffesor
I've met in my life
You are the one who teaches us
Bealive me friends how the teach ardian@Deari has not
We want more than all other teachers
His near we feel secure
And when we are to him we feel as near parents
Ilove so much my proffesor ardian deari.
You are the beast proffesor.
That i saw i my live
Ido not know how to pronounce
Since you are one of the best proffesor
I've met in my life
You are the one who teaches us
Bealive me friends how the teach ardian@Deari has not
We want more than all other teachers
His near we feel secure
And when we are to him we feel as near parents![58503cabe7df9.jpg](serve/attachment&path=58503cabe7df9.jpg)