An adverb is a word that descripes a verb
It can tell where, when or how something happens
Ndajfolja eshte fjale qe pershkruan foljet
Mund te tregoje ku, kur ose si ndodhi dicka
I run fast (adverb is fast)
Une vrapoj shpejte (ndajfolje eshte shpejte)
Adverbs have also comparative and superlative form
Ndajfoljet kane gjithashtu shkallen karahasore dhe siperore
Ketu jane paraqitur disa ndajfolje
An adverb is a word that descripes a verb
It can tell where, when or how something happens
Ndajfolja eshte fjale qe pershkruan foljet
Mund te tregoje ku, kur ose si ndodhi dicka
I run fast (adverb is fast)
Une vrapoj shpejte (ndajfolje eshte shpejte)
Adverbs have also comparative and superlative form
Ndajfoljet kane gjithashtu shkallen karahasore dhe siperore
Ketu jane paraqitur disa ndajfolje
Life always offers you a second chance. It's called TOMORROW.