A1 - Anfänger (Deutsch)
Resultate: Gruppe

ID - Punke

231 - 71,3P.
234 - 65,5P.
264 - 81P.
253 - 92,9P.
258 - 79,3P.
233 - 80,51P.
252 - 92,9P.
235 - 81,3P.
261 - 78,5P.
245 - 85,4P.
246 - 86,9P.
330 - 89,3P.
240 - 87,9P.

Alle haben bestanden! Herzlichen Glückwunsch smile

ID - Punke 231 - 71,3P. 234 - 65,5P. 264 - 81P. 253 - 92,9P. 258 - 79,3P. 233 - 80,51P. 252 - 92,9P. 235 - 81,3P. 261 - 78,5P. 245 - 85,4P. 246 - 86,9P. 330 - 89,3P. 240 - 87,9P. Alle haben bestanden! Herzlichen Glückwunsch :wow:

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