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uratahyseni posted Dec 28 '16 at 8:48 pm


Die Familie-Familja
Die Eltern-Prinderit
Die Mutter-Mami
Der Vater-Babai
Die Schwester-Motra
Der Brude- Vellai
Das Baby - Bebja
Die Opa - Gjyshi
Die Oma-Gjyshja

merxhanb posted Dec 27 '16 at 8:53 pm

Hi everybody the holidays are up to coming soon and I want from all of you , if you could suggest me some movies to watch during holidays smilesmile

Feel free to reply here .....

I will start first :




4.Pawn sacrifice <3


Lorina posted Dec 27 '16 at 6:43 pm


You must always use the Present perfect when the time of an action is not important or not specified.
You must always use the past simple when details about the time or place that an action occured are given or requested.


Present perfect past simple
I have lived in Lyon. I lived in Lyon in 1989.
They have eaten Thai food. They ate Thai food last night.
Have you seen 'Othello'?. Where did you see 'Othello'?
We have been to Ireland. When did you go to Ireland?
There is also a difference in attitude between the two tenses, which is often an important factor in choosing which tense to use.

"What did you do at school today?" I use the simple past tense because the question is about activities, and the school day is considered finished.
"What have you done at school today?" I use the present perfect because the question is about results : « show me ». The time at which the question is asked is considered as a continuation of the school day.

Agnesashabani posted Dec 13 '16 at 6:22 pm

Ilove so much my proffesor ardian deari.
You are the beast proffesor.
That i saw i my live
Ido not know how to pronounce
Since you are one of the best proffesor
I've met in my life
You are the one who teaches us
Bealive me friends how the teach ardian@Deari has not
We want more than all other teachers
His near we feel secure
And when we are to him we feel as near parents58503cabe7df9.jpg

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