Step-father-njerk, Step-mother- mjerke, Step-children-femijet e bashkeshortit, bashkeshortes, Step-son-vella prej babe,nane, Step-daughter-moter prej babe, nane.
An adverb is a word that descripes a verb It can tell where, when or how something happens Ndajfolja eshte fjale qe pershkruan foljet Mund te tregoje ku, kur ose si ndodhi dicka
I run fast (adverb is fast) Une vrapoj shpejte (ndajfolje eshte shpejte)
Adverbs have also comparative and superlative form Ndajfoljet kane gjithashtu shkallen karahasore dhe siperore
Message: So & too - are two words that are commonly confused. There are some situations when so & too can be used the same, but there are many situations when so & too mean different things.So & too -are used like the word “very”. “So” & “too” are used to emphasis, state some thing is extreme and/or intense.Grammar: So & too are both used before an adjective or an adverb. So/too + adverb/adjective