A1 - Beginner Level (English)
To vs Too vs Two!!

To vs Too vs Two
What’s the difference between to, too and two? The pronunciation of the three may sound exactly the same, but they are not the same in meaning and usage.

One should use the word ‘two’ in cases where the user means the number 2. ‘To’ and ‘too’ on the other hand can be a little confusing. ‘To’ is used as a preposition or as an infinitive before a verb and ‘too’ is used as a synonym for the word ‘also’ or as an indication of excessiveness before a an adjective or adverb. Looking at examples of how they are used can easily show which of the three homophones should be used in any sentence.

Message: To vs Too vs Two What’s the difference between to, too and two? The pronunciation of the three may sound exactly the same, but they are not the same in meaning and usage. One should use the word ‘two’ in cases where the user means the number 2. ‘To’ and ‘too’ on the other hand can be a little confusing. ‘To’ is used as a preposition or as an infinitive before a verb and ‘too’ is used as a synonym for the word ‘also’ or as an indication of excessiveness before a an adjective or adverb. Looking at examples of how they are used can easily show which of the three homophones should be used in any sentence.

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