A1 - Beginner Level (English)

In Thailand people eat a lot of rice and noodles with meat and fish.
The food is very hot.
In my family we have three meals a day.For a breakfast we have rice soup with chicken or fish.
For lunch we have noodles.
Dinner in the evening is our big meal of the day.For dinner we eat rice with curry and vegetables.
We have fruit for dessert.We eat a lot of fruit but we don't eat apples.They're very expensive.
We don't eat a lot of potatoes,bread,or pasta.
And we don't eat milk products,like cheese or butter.
We drink tea,coffee,water,or fruit juice.
We don't drink wine,but we drink beer.
We don't use chopsticks.We eat with a spoon and fork.

In Thailand people eat a lot of rice and noodles with meat and fish. The food is very hot. In my family we have three meals a day.For a breakfast we have rice soup with chicken or fish. For lunch we have noodles. Dinner in the evening is our big meal of the day.For dinner we eat rice with curry and vegetables. We have fruit for dessert.We eat a lot of fruit but we don't eat apples.They're very expensive. We don't eat a lot of potatoes,bread,or pasta. And we don't eat milk products,like cheese or butter. We drink tea,coffee,water,or fruit juice. We don't drink wine,but we drink beer. We don't use chopsticks.We eat with a spoon and fork.
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