A1 - Beginner Level (English)
my presentation

hi! my name is Majlinda Salihi.
I'm 14 years old. I'm from village Llopat and I study at "Kongresi i Manastirit" primary school.
And I study at "En4Life" private school in Kumanovo.
I love learning english and i thank a lot teacher @ardiandeari
for this best page ever...smile

hi! my name is Majlinda Salihi. I'm 14 years old. I'm from village Llopat and I study at "Kongresi i Manastirit" primary school. And I study at "En4Life" private school in Kumanovo. I love learning english and i thank a lot teacher @ardiandeari for this best page ever...:D

You are welcome here @majlindasalihi

You are welcome here @majlindasalihi

www.englishforlife.mk / Contact: 00389 71 989 903

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