A1 - Beginner Level (English)
Thanky. Teacher.

I whant to know english like I know albanian I whol know son pices my teacher is sow good in english Hes Ardian Deari

Message: I whant to know english like I know albanian I whol know son pices my teacher is sow good in english Hes Ardian Deari

oh thanks @Erjonashabani your English will be great one day, don't worry and save this message later after some years you will see yourself differently. Best, your teacher

oh thanks @Erjonashabani your English will be great one day, don't worry and save this message later after some years you will see yourself differently. Best, your teacher

www.englishforlife.mk / Contact: 00389 71 989 903

Don't worry @Erjonashabani you will learn English even better than me!

Don't worry @Erjonashabani you will learn English even better than me!

www.englishforlife.mk / Contact: 00389 71 989 903

Hay im Erjona. Shabani can i asc you some question ? Do you love anglish

Hay im Erjona. Shabani can i asc you some question ? Do you love anglish

ok ska problem por nderroje passwordin profit.

ok ska problem por nderroje passwordin profit.

www.englishforlife.mk / Contact: 00389 71 989 903

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