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arditakurtishi posted Jan 19 '17 at 9:21 pm
           - The Homophone

the definition:
The homophone is a word that sounds the same as another word or words,but has a different meaning and spelling.
for example:
die - dye
feet -feat
grown- groan
hall- haul
here- hear
knot - not
main. -mane
ate - eight
bear. -berry
ceiling - sealing
four - for
know. - no
blew - blue
flower- flour
red - read
one - won
tea - tee.
right - write

valbona posted Jan 19 '17 at 8:59 pm


Mary is an excellent teacher.
The computer is expensive.
Peter and Tom are students at this school.
The apples are very good.

Change to
She is an excellent teacher.
It is expensive.
They are students at this school.
They are very good.

valbona posted Jan 19 '17 at 8:54 pm

SUBJECT PRONOUNS IS : I , You , He , She , It , We , You , They

OBJECT PRONOUNS IS : Me , You , Him , Her , It , Us , You , Then

valbona posted Jan 19 '17 at 8:47 pm

I can swim.
They can speak English.
She can ride a bike.

You need to add the infinitive after 'can'.
I can swim.
You can run fast.
She can ride a bike.
We can speak English.
They can play the guitar.

Be careful!
For negatives you can add ‘n't’ or 'not'.
I can’t drive a car.
I cannot drive.
Can they speak French? No, they can’t.
Can they speak French? No, they cannot.

We say... We don’t say...
Can you swim? Yes I can. (NOT You can swim? Yes, I swim.)
Can she ride a bike? Yes she can. (NOT She can ride a bike? Yes, she ride.)
(You use 'can' at the beginning of a normal question so you say: Can + pronoun + infinitive? If you want to show surprise you can say Pronoun + can + infinitive?)

kushtrimduraki posted Jan 19 '17 at 5:53 pm

Positive (+) short form
I have I've
You have You've
He has He's
She has She's
It has It's
We have We've
You have You've
They have They've

Negative (-) full form
I haven't I have not
You haven't You have not
He hasen't He has not
She hasn't She has not
It hasn't It has not
We haven't We have not
You haven't You have not
They haven't They have not

Questions (?)
Have I?
Have You?
Has He?
Has She?
Has It?
Have We?
Have You?
Have They?

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