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arditakurtishi posted Jan 10 '17 at 11:28 am

1 She 's the Managing Director.
She isn't the Mananging Director.

2 This is my mobile.
This isn't my mobile.

3They're brother and sister .
They aren't brother and sister.

4 We're from France.
We aren't from France.

5 You're in thia photo.
You aren't in this photo

6 Wiena is in Australia.
Wiena isn't in Australia.

  1. eat fruit/not eat apples l eat fruit,but don't eat apples.

2.not drink coffe /drink tea
We drink tea but don't drink coffea.

3 eat bananas /not eat oranges
They eat bananas but don't eat oranges.

4 .not drink milk /drink water
We drink water ,but don't drink milk.

5 like meat/not like fish
They dont like fish,but like meat.

6 eat lunch/not eat breakfast.
l eat lunch,but don't eat breakfast.

arditakurtishi posted Jan 10 '17 at 10:58 am
  1.What's your name ?

1.My name's Ardita.

2 Where are you from ?
2 l'm from vilage Hotla .

3How old are you ?
3 l'm 15 years old.

4 Are you student?
4 Yes ,l'm student.

5 Are you married?
5 NO l'm not married,l'm singel.

6 What is your teacher's name ?
6 My teacher name isARDIAN DEARI


I read a book. √

I read book. x

This is true even if there are adjectives before the noun:

He drives an old car. √

He drives old car. x

Never use a or an with a word that is plural (e.g. books, trees) or uncountable (e.g. water, advice):

I asked her for advice. √

I asked her for an advice. x

Note that we use a in front of words that start with a consonant sound (a horse, a carrot) and an in front of words with a vowel sound (an apple, an elephant).

The next most important thing to understand is the difference between a/an and the. Basically, we use a/an when we don’t need to say which thing we are talking about. We use the to talk about a specific thing:

I caught a train to London. (it doesn’t matter which train)

The train was late. (that particular train was late)

We often use a when we mention something for the first time, and then change to the when it is clear which thing we are talking about:

He was talking to a man. The man was laughing.

She gave him a present. The present was very expensive.

We also use the when it is obvious which thing we are talking about or when there is only one of something:

Could you shut the door, please?

I cleaned the bathroom this morning.

He travelled around the world.

The sun is hot today.

If you stick to the rules above, you will be correct in almost all cases. However, there are a few exceptions, and the following are the most useful ones to learn:

We don’t use a/an before the names of meals:

We had lunch at noon.

We don’t use a/an before words like school, prison, or college when we are talking about them in a general way:

I hope to go to college.

He spent three years in prison.

With the word ‘hospital’, there is a difference between British and American English:

My brother’s in hospital (UK) / in the hospital (US).

We use the before the names of shops or places where we go for services when they are the ones we usually go to:

I need to go to the supermarket.

She went to the doctor’s.

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